6.2 Legislative Acts
Hey guys! Today I want to talk to you about a legislative act that I believe is one of the most influential acts in influencing the aviation industry and how it operates to this day. In May of 1958, a Senator from Oklahoma presented a bill creating a separate autonomous federal aviation agency devoted to certifying the safety, security, and efficiency of air passage. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed The Federal Aviation Act of 1958, legitimizing the transfer of duties from the Civil Aeronautics Authority to what we now know as The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). ( Federal Aviation Act , 2021) The Federal Aviation Act of 1958 was meant to: Continue the Civil Aeronautics Board as an agency for the U.S. by creating a Federal Aviation Agency. Provide the regulation and promotion of civil aviation in such manner as to best foster its development and safety. Provide for the safe and efficient u...